How to Set Effective Treatment Goals

Throughout the process of recovering from an addiction, setting goals can help you get from where you are today to where you want to be. Your counselors can offer you wisdom and guidance in setting your goals. However, you need to be able to actively participate in this process for the goals to be effective. You need to be invested in both the process and the outcome for your goals to be successful.

Listening to Counselors

While it is important that your treatment goals are personalized to your specific needs, it is also important to recognize and take advantage of the wisdom of your counselors. They have been through recovery themselves and have helped numerous others through treatment for substance abuse. They know what it takes each step of the way, they know when you should push yourself a little more, and they know when to be gentle with yourself and celebrate every small success. As you listen to them, you can have your own personal guides in setting effective goals for your life.

Listening to Yourself

Just as important as setting goals is listening to yourself. Listen to your body, listen to your mind, and listen to your heart. You will know when something is too overwhelming, and you will know when you are ready to take a big leap of faith. You will always have access to your inner voice if you are being authentic and completely honest with yourself. Learning to trust yourself again is an important part of the recovery process. By listening to yourself while setting goals, you can build that trust again.

Being Realistic

Despite the difficulty of life in recovery, you will have moments where you feel like you can do anything. It is important to make sure that you are grounded in these moments and able to set realistic goals, even during the times when you are struggling. We all know there are ups and downs in life, so setting attainable goals will help you to be successful. Likewise, during some of the times that you feel tempted or weak, you may need to push yourself just enough to get to that next level. It is important not to set yourself up for failure and to keep challenging yourself during your treatment process.

Setting Measurable Goals

Everyone talks about measurable goals, but this is equally important to your addiction recovery treatment, as well. How will you know that you have achieved your goals? You need to set goals that are specific so that both you and your counselors will be able to know if you have achieved them. For example, saying “I will exercise more” is not specific enough for all parties to be able to measure. However, saying something like “I will walk for 20 minutes every day” is something that you can be accountable for to yourself and others because it is measurable.

Doing Your Part

Setting goals is not enough. When you walk out of your counselor’s office, you need to do your part. Being invested in your goals helps you to make the commitments and keep them. Often setting the goals is not too difficult, but the true test comes when you step into your life and put them into action. Writing them down and keeping them where you can see them should help you remember the desire you have to reach your treatment goals. Being completely honest with yourself and others will help you to achieve that next level in your recovery.

Seeking Support

Sometimes, you may need help, and there is no shame in that. Your goals may be yours, but you do not have to achieve them on your own. You can ask for help at any point, whether it is getting help to keep you accountable, or help to do the work itself. For example, although you may be able to get out the door and go walking four days a week on your own, you might need to ask a friend to walk with you for the other three days to make sure that you follow through.

Being Flexible

The people who are most successful in achieving their treatment goals are those who are willing to be flexible. Sometimes, goals may need to be reevaluated and restructured to ensure success, and that is okay. Goals are not finite, they are meant to be a tool to guide you in your recovery process. Being flexible with yourself while doing your very best will help you to successfully reach all of your treatment goals.

Setting goals within your treatment for substance abuse may not be enough. You need to set goals that are effective, realistic, measurable, and that are true to you. Seeking wisdom and guidance from those who have been there is every bit as important as seeking support from other people in your life while accomplishing the goals that you set in treatment. At Promising Outlook, we have experienced, compassionate staff who can help you set goals that are effective and help you to succeed in your recovery process. Call our Riverside, California location at (951) 783-2487 to find out how you can set effective goals in your treatment for addiction. We offer outpatient services to support you in getting your life back on the right track. Let us help you make and achieve goals that will help you to grow from treatment into recovery. Call us today to get the support you need.